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Capture Leads, Increase Sales, and Create an Additional Revenue Stream with Webinars


In my world, there are three types of webinars that you can use in your business. The first, the lead generation webinar, is where you are running a free webinar to get information and then sell something during/after the webinar. The second, a one-off webinar, is where you charge a set amount for a single webinar and then there are no other promises. The third, a webinar series, is like a master class where you can run multiple webinars as part of a bigger process or picture. Check out my article at which breaks these down even further.

A webinar is a LIVE, interactive seminar done online. It’s a way for you to captivate and engage an audience. It’s a venue for interaction where you can gain valuable insights from your audience or help them come to valuable insights of their own.

Webinars are a great way to capture leads, increase sales and, my favorite, provide an additional revenue stream.

Published September 25, 2015 on

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